How to Play With Sex Dice
Let’s face it. Games bring us closer together. They appeal to our desire to take risks, and to get rewards. If you’re a bit of a gambler, and have a competitive nature, there’s nothing like a pair of dice.
Now for something really exciting. Creative minds all over the world have worked hard to incorporate the fun of dice games into something sexy.
That’s right! There are a variety of sexy dice games just waiting for you to enjoy them. It’s easy. You just have to understand a few simple rules before you buy sex dice.
What Are Sex Dice?
Sex dice are just like regular dice with one difference. Rather than being marked with a specific number of dots, each side has a word or phrase.
These words and phrases are types of intimate touch and parts of your body. For example, instead of rolling a 1 and a 3, you might roll ‘kiss’ and ‘nipples’.
Sex Dice Rules
Fortunately, sex dice rules are pretty easy to understand. Each game has a slightly different theme. Some are gender-specific.
Others might have an extra dice to make things more adventurous. Still, the idea is always the same. You roll the dice, then you or your partner act out whatever is described.

Sexy Games With Three Dice
There are a few games that have three dice. The third dice adds a bit of excitement to the game. In this case, it tells the players how to carry out the action. So, ‘Kiss’ and ‘Nipples’ becomes ‘Kiss’, ‘Nipples’, ‘Car’.
There’s another kinky sex dice game that uses the third dice to tell players how to go about things. One of the options you might roll is ‘dominantly’.
You’ll Find a Variety of Great Erotic Dice Themes
Ultimately, every dice game involves a single objective. That’s to help you enjoy fun, sexual experiences with the person who turns you on most.
Since different couples enjoy different things, the makers of these games have created a variety of games with some great themes. There are red and black dice for a fiery, devilish aesthetic. Some have unique, three sided dice!
Shop around a bit. You’ll also find dice that uses pictures, words, or a combination of these. Pick a game or two that turns you on, then start having fun!
Kinky Sex Dice Can be as Funny as They Are Sexy

If you’ve ever watched the Simpsons, you might remember a hilarious episode where Homer and Marge attempt to rediscover their passion for one another. In one scene, they’re playing with sex dice. The only problem is that every roll of the dice results in hilarious confusion. For example, ‘Spank’ ‘Hair’.
Fortunately, if you buy an erotic dice game in real life, you won’t see anything quite this ridiculous. Still, some combinations can be a bit funny, especially if you haven’t tried them before.
Imagine trying ‘Lick’ ‘Belly Button’ ‘Car’ when you drive a tiny two-seater! You might also feel a bit silly doing something ‘dominantly’ if you’re a bit on the vanilla side.
Let’s just say that not every round in a dice sex game will result in orgasmic bliss. That’s okay! Have fun, be a bit daring, and enjoy a game that makes you laugh as well as brings you sexual bliss.
It Takes Imagination to Learn How to Use Sex Dice
So, we’ve established that you’re going to get some rolls that are a little more difficult to act out than others. Of course, that’s kind of the object of the game. You roll the dice, and go for it! The challenge is in doing what the dice say, even if it means using a bit of imagination.
Feel free to create your own rules, substitute one activity or body part for another, or grab a dictionary if you don’t understand what something means. Maybe check out a book of sexual positions to help you master the dice!
Playing With Sex Dice Will Bring You Closer to Each Other

The best sex dice game will give you an opportunity to spend time with your lover. Each roll presents a new opportunity for you to explore one another’s bodies as well as your own.
When you play these games, you are able to give one another one on one attention, enjoy a cooperative game, and hopefully end things with some great sex.
If you’ve been looking for something fun on a budget, sex games with dice are always inexpensive. For less than ten dollars, you can get a challenging, sexy dice game that is sure to bring you closer together. The Sexy 6 game encourages intimacy as well as sexual contact.
Final Thoughts: Foreplay Dice Can Spice Things Up
Whether you’re looking for some dice to make oral sex better, a silly adult gift, or a low-tech way to get sexy with the one you love, dice games are a great option. Give one or two options a try, and you will enjoy hours of raunchy fun.
Click to buy sex dice games online.